PRESS RELEASE - 17 Mar 2023

Sobreiro Rehabilitation receives Honourable Mention in the Nuno Teotónio Pereira Prize

The Sobreiro Social Neighbourhood, which includes the intervention area of the Lighthouse Maia of the Eyes hearts Hands project, was recently distinguished with an Honourable Mention in the Nuno Teotónio Pereira Prize, the oldest in the real estate sector in Portugal.

The awards ceremony took place last 30 January, at the Museu da Eletricidade, in Lisbon, and was attended by the Secretary of State for Housing, Fernanda Rodrigues, and the President of the Institute for Housing and Rehabilitation Urbana, I.P. (IHRU), Isabel Dias.

Within the Eyes Hearts Hands approach, Sobreiro is one of the seven districts where co-creation and engagement practices will be tested and implemented, focusing on digital, smart energy efficient solutions, circular and modular renovation toolkits and eco-design and remote people-centred business models.

The Nuno Teotónio Pereira Prize distinguishes and encourages good practices in the IHRU’s areas of activity, both in terms of urban rehabilitation and scientific production. This edition registered 55 applications for the competition, 45 in the field of urban rehabilitation and 10 applications in the field of scientific production work.

Espaço Municipal, one of the project partners and the promoter of the rehabilitation work at Jardins do Sobreiro, was distinguished with an Honorable Mention corresponding to the rehabilitation of the blocks of the housing development, in the variant of the prize “Rehabilitation of Urban Ensemble or Requalification of Public Space”.

The architectural project was developed between 2017 and 2018 by the architect and executive administrator of the municipal company, Nuno Antunes Lopes and by the architect Sofia Mota.

The award-winning intervention is part of a comprehensive process of urban regeneration and rehabilitation of the buildings in that housing complex and the public space, today transformed into the Sobreiro Gardens, implementing the strategy and vision of the Municipality of Maia. The rehabilitation process carried out by Espaço Municipal mirrors the intervention that will be implemented in the LH4 intervention area during the timeframe of the Eyes Hearts Hands project (EYES Pillar).

The Mayor of Maia, António Silva Tiago, emphasizes that “it is always gratifying to obtain external recognition from public entities whose credibility and prestige are unquestionable. In fact, this honorable mention recognizes the true revolution that is underway there, opening up all that housing development to the city, qualifying the urban landscape, which today forms part of a harmonious continuum of public space, with wide arteries, generous green spaces and improved outdoor enjoyment areas.”

As part of the North 2020 Regional Operational Programme, the operation included the rehabilitation of the exterior surroundings of the blocks and their interior common areas, with the aim of improving the thermal comfort of the dwellings.

The intervention involved a ventilated façade system with thermal insulation incorporated into the air gap, the replacement of window frames with new ones with thermal break and double glazing, the renovation of the roof, the introduction of mechanical and self-regulating ventilation systems, the elimination of multiple constructive pathologies and, inherently, the requalification of the exterior image of buildings.

Short Description

The Sobreiro social neighbourhood was recently awarded an Honourable Mention in the Nuno Teotónio Pereira prize for its exceptional urban rehabilitation work.

The project is a key part of the eyes Hearts Hands implementation plan for LH4 (Maia Cluster), featuring municipal building rehabilitation, renewable energy, and new eco-friendly neighbourhoods.

Photo credits: Espaço Municipal

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