PROJECT UPDATE - 07 Nov 2023

Eyes Hearts Hands General Assembly in Rome: a step forward towards sustainable urban regeneration on its one-year anniversary

The General Assembly of Eyes Hearts Hands, coinciding with its first-year anniversary, took place in the historic city of Rome between the 11th and 12th of October.

On the 11th and 12th of October, Eyes Hearts Hands partners met in Rome to discuss the project’s progress and future objectives. The project coordinator Alessia Peluchetti opened the meeting with a presentation outlining the project’s overall status, completed milestones, and future goals.

During the first day of the consortium meeting, the leaders of the Work Packages (WP) delivered insightful presentations, highlighting the progress and future directions of our project. This included methodological assessments, community engagement strategies, financial planning, district renovation, outreach and policy dialogue and project management.

In addition to these presentations, the second day of the General Assembly featured an interactive event: the Lighthouses 1-to-1 workshop. The workshop featured different rooms and areas, each dedicated to a specific topic or area of interest. Participants moved to the room they had been assigned to, as represented in the LHs 1-to-1 workshop workflow. Within each room, experts in the respective field were available for one-on-one LH consultations, offering personalised guidance and insights based on participants’ questions and challenges.

Eyes Hearts Hands partners taking part in the workshop

On the third day, some partners of Eyes Hearts Hands (RIMOND, Roma Tre University and Biodistretto) organised an open-public seminar whose aim was to explore the importance, scope and ambitions of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) through the exploration of tangible experiences that are driving EU cities towards the European Green Deal. It was interesting discovering how the NEB principle is reconnecting people with beauty.

Speakers of the first panel of the seminar

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