NEWS RELEASE - 12 Mar 2024

CrAFting Tomorrow’s Cities: shaping the future of climate-neutral cities

The CrAft - Creating Actionable Futures project recently hosted a three-day event in Amsterdam aimed at shaping the future of urban development governance.

The event kicked off with a brief presentation of the CrAft project, followed by a series of PechaKucha case study presentations from cities such as Izmir, Munchen, Leeuwarden, Bruges and the European Network of Living Labs. The day continued with the introduction of the NEB Alliance, a cross-cutting initiative across EU Missions aiming to harvest, scale and replicate the NEB efforts.

The second day of the event focused on three main topics: the NEB Impact Model, practices of Intergenerational Learnings and the Role of Arts and Culture in Urban Development Governance. Participants engaged in a gamified approach to explore these topics. In the afternoon, the focus shifted to Sluisbuurt, a neighbourhood undergoing significant redevelopment, with a particular emphasis on the pivotal role of Arts and Culture in Urban Development.

The final day of the event brought at the table the first edition of the CrAFt Cookbook – a collection of easy and adjustable recipes for integrating the values of inclusiveness, beauty and sustainability in urban plans and partnerships, with a strong focus on actionability.

Our project partner Loredana Stasisin from Living Future Europe had the chance to represent Eyes Hearts Hands, thus contributing with valuable insights during this event.


Creating Actionable Futures – CrAFt is part of the New European Bauhaus [NEB] initiative of the European Union. The project started in 2022 and is funded by the Horizon Europe programme within the Cities Mission work programme. Developed in close cooperation with the Mission Board on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities and the NetZeroCities platform, CrAFt supports cities in articulating and implementing Climate City Contracts drawing from the experience of three Sandbox Cities —Bologna, Prague, and Amsterdam, alongside more than 70 CrAFt other reference urban settings.

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