Past Event

Transitions, Spatial Justice and Territorial Planning Conference

15-16 Jun 2023
Faculty of Engineering - University of Cagliari
Cagliari, Italy

The Italian Society of Urban Planners, which represents the culture and values of urban planners who work in Italian universities, has organised a conference named “Transitions, Spatial Justice and Territorial Planning” which will be held in Cagliari on the 15th and 16th of June.

The conference intends to promote an articulated and inclusive discussion on the different positions that characterise the disciplinary debate on transitions – primarily ecological, but also energy, digital, financial, economic, demographic, food and so on.

The value system on which the conference focused draws attention to the ability to combine social and environmental aspects as an indispensable perspective in environmental risk reduction, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and the recognition of priority territorial contexts for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity.

Our project Eyes Hearts Hands fully embraces the values that the conference promotes. One of our partners, Roma Tre will present an abstract entitled “The use of digital models for the dissemination of care practices in the EHHUR project”. On this occasion Roma Tre will present the work carried out in the framework of our project Eyes Hearts Hands.

Learn more about the conference here.

Image credits: Laura Lugaresi Unsplash  

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