Past Event

EHHUR is taking centre stage at the #OPENDAYS of the University of Roma Tre

15 Apr 2024, 14:00-15:30

“Phipps, dai giardini alla città – Quando un giardino botanico guida la transizione ecologica” [Phipps, from Gardens to the City – When a Botanical Garden Leads Ecological Transition] will be the topic addressed during the open days organised by the University of Roma Tre for university students.

Directed by the professor Maria Grazia Cianci, these discussions will focus on architecture and landscape representation. Our project Eyes Hearts Hands will be represented by Stefano Converso, [Research Coordinator for EHHUR at University of Roma Tre], Carlo Battisti [President of Living Future Europe] and Marta Rabazo Martin [University of Roma Tre].

Join us to discover more about botanical gardens, urban design and ecological sustainability.



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