
The rich, multi-cultured and ever-changing historical area of Kemeralti.



Izmir is one of the major port cities in the Mediterranean and is located on the Turkish Aegean. Izmir province covers an area of 12, 000 km2 and comprises 30 districts, 11 of which are situated in the metropolitan area. The district aims at the reconversion of the historical depopulated city centre into an innovation hub.


  • POPULATION: 4,394,694
  • AREA: 12.000 km2
  • INTERVENTIONS: Reconstruction of a building (approximately 2000 m2) expected to host around 300 people in total. At least 1000 people will be directly impacted in a 400 m diameter around the Innovation hub.
  • INITIATIVES & STRATEGIES: Albayrak Passage will host food marketing spaces, restaurants for local gastronomy, social/cultural activities for designers/artists/social entrepreneurs that will interact with the surrounding (direct impact area) spaces and buildings, and it will function as a semi-public mixed-use centre.


  • Eyes

    The historic Izmir shopping centre will undergo physical and economic regeneration with a tailor-made financial vehicle. Cluster partners will build a craft and incubation centre and a cultural experience area.

  • Hearts

    The bonds between people and the history of their space, their sense and their cultural awareness will be strengthened. Integration of diverse groups, including vulnerable citizens.

  • Hands

    Decision-making groups, the inclusion of vulnerable people and the integration of different teams in the design of public spaces, and the creation of community activities will enhance the experience beyond functionality. The design of participatory methods will provide insights to better understand the perception of beauty, liveability, and comfort for different local actors.



Local Desk

Ahu Sönmez

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