PROJECT UPDATE - 05 Jul 2024

EHHUR partners gather in Kozani for General Assembly and collaborative workshops

On the 1st and 2nd of July EHHUR partners convened in Kozani, one of the seven lighthouse currently under renovation.

Day 1: Project updates and engaging workshops

During the first day of the General Assembly, EHHUR partners had the opportunity to share updates on project’s progress. Participants were actively engaged in workshops focused on enhancing social and community engagement, improving communication and dissemination strategies, and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs). The day concluded with a visit to the historic Kozani Library, offering a glimpse into the local culture.

Day 2: Lighthouses presentations and workshops

On the second day, presentations centred around the seven lighthouses involved in the project. They all presented their updates, ongoing activities and challenges specific to their district. They also had the opportunity to take part in dynamic workshops, rotating every 20 minutes to foster idea exchange and mutual learning.

Presentation of the workshop results

The day ended with a guided tour of Kozani demosite, where a public school has already been renovated.

Renovated public school in the district of Kozani

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